Peugeot car club

peugeot car club

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  • The Wellington club was formed in as the founding Peugeot club in New Zealand, and continues to have a widespread membership in the lower North Island. The club is for every owner and enthusiast, whether they drive a brand new or a forty year old ; whether they live in the cities or in the country; whether they like to tinker under the bonnet or just drive. Check out what’s in it for you by following this link. We hope by joining our club you will add to the pleasure of owning your Peugeot.

    Peugeot club. Naši partneři a firmy spolupracující s klubem. Seznam partnerů a firem spolupracujících s klubem - kontakty, služby, výše poskytnutých slev.

    История логотипа. Эмблема логотипа Пежо менялась несколько раз на протяжении всей истории фирмы. Однако основной символ компании – лев, никогда не исчезал с нее. Изначально, когда, Peugeot выпускало пилы и другие режущие инструменты, лев олицетворял прочность продукции, такую же как зубы льва.

    Other club matters to keep in mind are the upcoming events we have in October and November. In October is our annual Pride of Ownership, no date announced as yet, but keep it in mind, come have your car judged.  The Peugeot This is one of the most under rated cars of all time. The looks sufficiently different to have already become a collector’s item, but the s seem to be just fading away, unappreciated.

    peugeot car club

    peugeot car club

    Последнее сообщение Didakonut Сб фев 03, This seems odd when you consider that over were assembled here in NZ by at the Volkswagen plant in Otahuhu. Пежо проблема завести после разборки панели 29 ноя Только для частных лиц.

    peugeot car club

    peugeot car club

    peugeot car club

    peugeot car club

    peugeot car club

    Клуб любителей Пежо • Главная страница

    Like last August, I am going to make this brief. We have had the AGM and nothing changed except that Don and Wynne have both given notice that this will be their last year on the committee. Nobody has yet volunteered to replace them, so you have a year to get yourself ready for nomination.

    As a committee we have to be appointed by the members at the AGM, but there is however nothing stopping the committee appointing you as an acting committee member, if you want to come along and see what we do and get a taste of it prior to the next AGM.

    peugeot car club

    If you think you would or could, your club needs you. Please contact the secretary to find out when and where the next committee meeting is. We would love to see you. Coming up soon October7th is the annual Pride of Ownership; check the magazine for more details.

    We would love some different people to turn up and show their Pride and Joys. My car was a working car. The 4 th of November sees a rescheduled Navigation Trial on the 1 st Sunday of November — not the date previously advertised.

    peugeot car club

    Remember this is the first part of our annual contest with Citroen and counts for point towards the Tricoleur Trophy, please turn up and compete. Hopefully we can keep our hands on the Trophy for a 3rd consecutive year. We are about to have our AGM, and with that in mind I would like to ask for volunteers to step up and take on roles in the committee. In particular we are in need of a new secretary for next year.

    Wynne has decided it is time for her to step down after 24 years in the role — can anyone remember who had the job before her? I have only been a member for 19 years now. Anyway please consider yourself for this role.

    This will be Wynne s last AGM as secretary, but we will need someone else to take over next year. The role I believe is not too arduous, mostly taking and distributing the not quite monthly committee meeting minutes. Please step up and volunteer for this role. I myself have been rambling in the USA and missed the last committee meeting, I would also not be surprised if Don will be standing again for the last time as a committee member.

    peugeot car club

    He has been threatening to not stand for at least the last three AGMs. Therefore as per usual some fresh blood amongst the committee is also more than welcome.

    We have been lucky to have Xerxes join us this last year and his contributions have not been unnoticed. Others are also welcome. Being a committee member is also relatively easy; occasionally you may get a small organising job to do, usually by volunteering to do it, but other than that it often involves no more than expressing your ideas at the meetings and helping stuff the envelopes with the magazines.

    Peugeot 307 CC Review - Car Club

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