Bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

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  • Решение от Bentley Systems послужит проектировщикам судов - Ирисофт
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  • Use MAXSURF’s integrated naval architecture tools for fast, accurate initial design and analysis of marine vessels.  MAXSURF – Develop optimal designs for smaller craft using up to 20 NURBS (non-uniform rational basis spline) surfaces. MAXSURF Advanced – Optimize the design of larger and more complex vessels using an unlimited number of dynamically trimmed 3D NURBS surfaces for modeling the hull, appendages, and superstructure. Enable your naval architecture team with a full range of functions for designing power, sail, commercial, or naval vessels made from steel, aluminum, or composite materials.  Keystone Engineering coupled Bentley’s SACS with DNV GL’s Bladed software to reduce offshore wind turbine analysis time by 50%. Learn More.

    Bentley maxsurf enterprise описание. Разместил: Виктор в Содержание статьи: Фото. Программные продукты Bentley Systems для среды Microstation. Видео. Похожие статьи. MAXSURF. Улучшение технических характеристик судна. Сохраните свои вложения в бессрочные лицензии, обменяйте их на приложения Bentley. Enterprise Interoperability. MAXSURF. MicroStation. Bentley: Развиваем инфраструктуру.

    Bentley является производителем автомобилей класса Люкс. Основана компания в Англии в начале XX века.

    Enterprise Interoperability. MAXSURF. MicroStation. Bentley: Развиваем инфраструктуру. По всему миру инженеры и архитекторы, строители и владельцы-эксплуатанты используют инновационные решения Bentley для успешной. Bentley является производителем автомобилей класса Люкс. Основана компания в Англии в начале XX века.  Bentley Maxsurf - Shipyards Services. Продукт обеспечивают конструкторов и дизайнеров полным набором программных средств для начальных этапов процесса проектирования, анализа и строительства судна. Все модули в диапазоне работают с общими файлами проекта, которые позволяет вносить конструктивные изменения и в любом из модулей.

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    We work only with IcerBox. Avoid Life Boat Accident - A guide for safe launching and recovery by using fall preventer devices…. Stability Enterprise adds Probabilistic Damage Stability. Offshore Project Showcase The professionals who design, build, and operate the infrastructure that sustains our world and improves the quality of life for the people who live in it are what drives the amazing projects presented in The Offshore Project Showcase. Крупнейшие ИТ-компании в России

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    Bentley maxsurf enterprise описание. Тенденции, объявления, видео

    And see next page for more comprehensive details and updates. Once a design has been modelled using Modeller, its stability and strength characteristics can be assessed using the Stability analysis module. Stability provides the MAXSURF user with a range of powerful analysis capabilities to handle all types of stability and strength calculations. All data is displayed simultaneously in graphical and tabular form and is automatically updated when changes are made and as the analysis progresses.

    An integrated load case editor makes setting up any number of loading conditions simple and error free. Copy and paste data exchange to and from spreadsheets also makes it easy to prepare complex loading schedules in other programs and run them in Stability. Load cases can also be saved and reused with various design configurations.

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    Tanks are automatically included in the weight schedule and their parametric definition means they are automatically updated if the hull shape is changed as the design progresses. A tank calibration option is provided to give detailed volume and CG characteristics of all tanks. Stability includes intact and damaged options for a range of analysis methods including upright hydrostatics, large angle stability, equilibrium analysis, KN tables and cross curves, limiting KG and longitudinal strength analysis.

    For each analysis method, Stability automatically highlights the required data to be entered and provides data entry dialogs to ensure data is entered correctly. A wide range of stability criteria can be used to ensure compliance with class requirements.

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    As well as providing the most commonly used standard criteria, Stability allows you to define your own custom criteria for any special requirements. When used in conjunction with Stability table of downflooding points, this provides a complete range of options for satisfying class. Once an analysis has been run, all results are also presented in tabular or graphical form. You can click on any graph and drag with the mouse to obtain precise values at any location.

    You can also choose how tables are displayed, which columns are visible and sort results by any column. An automatically formatted on- screen report window accumulates the results of analysis to help you prepare a stability book for your vessel.

    Descriptions, tables, graphics and graphs are automatically inserted and can be re- formatted or deleted by the user at any time. The entire report can be generated into a Microsoft Word template document if desired. The wide range of analysis, data entry and data display options within Stability make it an indispensable tool for designers of all types of vessels. For designers with a limited budget, the basic Stability suite contains only the intact hydrostatics and large angle stability analysis methods.

    bentley maxsurf enterprise описание

    Stability Enterprise adds Probabilistic Damage Stability. Intact and damage stability with criteria. Click here to see Stability animation! Basic intact stability Stability Advanced: Intact and damage stability with criteria Stability Enterprise: Adds probabilistic damage stability.

    Complete Overview of Bentley MAXSURF with Demo in 15 Min

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